Just for Today

Daily meditation from January 17st as an audio file:

January 17
January 17
>> As we recognize our need for forgiveness, we become willing to forgive ourselves forgive. At least we know that we are no longer intentionally sacrificing others' lives make it hard. <<
Basic Text, p. 49

During our addiction we have often treated others poorly, sometimes have we intentionally looked for ways to make their lives difficult. In our In recovery we may still tend to judge the actions of others because we think we know how this person should behave. But while we are in our As recovery progresses, we often find ourselves accepting the people around us have to in order to be able to accept ourselves.

It can be difficult to watch mental unhealthiness develop in someone shows others. But if we detach ourselves from the problem, we can begin to... solution to live. When we are affected by the behavior of others, we can use the principle of Apply forgiveness.

Only for today: I will strive more to be forgiven than to be forgiven becomes. I want to try to behave in a way that makes me worthy of loving myself.

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Text of 'Just for Today'

Copyright © 2004 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

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