12 concepts
Our Twelve Concepts are guiding principles for our service structure. The concepts summarize the hard-won experiences of our community's first forty years through themes of responsibility, authority, delegation, leadership, accountability, spiritual leadership, collaboration, communication, open-mindedness, fairness, and finance. As a whole, the Twelve Concepts ensure that our fellowship's service structure always remains devoted to service, not domination.
The 12 Concepts for NA Service
These concepts arose from our experience. They are not intended to be "law" for NA service, but simply guiding principles. We find that diligent application of these concepts strengthens our ministries, as the steps have strengthened our lives and as our traditions have given consistency and unity to our groups. The Twelve Concepts guide our ministries and help ensure that the Narcotics Anonymous message is available to all addicts who want to quit using drugs and begin our journey in life.
- To fulfill the primary purpose of our fellowship, NA groups have come together to create a structure that develops, coordinates, and sustains services on behalf of NA as a whole.
- Ultimate responsibility and authority for NA services rests with NA groups.
- The NA groups give the service structure the authority necessary to carry out its assigned tasks.
- Effective leadership is a treasured commodity in NA. Leadership qualities should be carefully considered when choosing trusted servants.
- A single point of decision and responsibility should be clearly defined for each task assigned to the service structure.
- The group conscience is the spiritual vehicle by which we invite a loving God to guide our decisions.
- All members of a service body have significant responsibility for the body's decisions and should be able to participate fully in its decision-making process.
- Our service structure depends on the integrity and effectiveness of our communications.
- All parts of our service structure are committed to carefully considering all viewpoints in their decision-making processes.
- Any member of a service body may contact that body with a request for redress for personal harm without fear of reprisal.
- NA funds must be used to further our primary purpose and must be managed responsibly.
- In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our structure should always be one of service, never one of dominance.
© Narcotics Anonymous